Author Archives: tomtom

Ausflug nach Potamià …

… und nach Chrissì Ammoudià An der «Golden Beach» waren die Wellen grösser als Lina. Das machte grossen Respekt.

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Mhmm! So fein!! Und der Sonnenuntergang von unserer Terasse aus.

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Beach Life

Lina liebte schon immer das Plantschen im Wasser. Jetzt hat sie auch mit dem Meer Bekanntschaft gemacht und findet es total cool!

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Aussicht von unserer Terrasse

Im Schatten, und bei einer kleinen Brise, lässt sich auch die Hitze geniessen.

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Life is a journey

As life somehow is a journey anyway, I moved the focus of this pages from my Asia trip to an every day blog. It is a trial to re-animate this blog.  There are now more categories. Fast-Blogging from the iPhone … Continue reading

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Hello all Sorry. My delays are getting worse! I’m more than a month in China now again, but still haven’t reported about my Laos time. So, I’m going to do that now. The plan was escaping Thailand to the more … Continue reading

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Thailand: Saturation

Hello all Have you missed me? I know I’m far behind schedule with my reports. While these got stuck in Thailand I’m already back in China. And in between I spent a while in Laos. I guess you all have … Continue reading

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Thailand: Beach Life

Hello friends It’s over for me now, the beach life! But let’s continue, where I ended last time. I was heading to the west coast of the peninsula, as on the east coast monsoon wanted not end as it should. … Continue reading

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Malaysia: Country of Smiles?

Hi there Only 17 days ago I entered Malaysia, and now I’m already back in Thailand, where I arrived some days ago. In Kota Bharu I stayed two days only. It’s a quiet city. It’s mainly the gateway to the … Continue reading

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Hello Almost a month has passed since my last posting. And in these days I’ve been to rather many places. More than I originally intended, when I planned to have a rest for while. When I arrived from Cambodia I … Continue reading

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