Monthly Archives: Dezember 2007

Hong Kong and Macau

Hello, here I am again. Ever wondered where Hong Kong is? Well, geographically and, since more than 10 years, politically, it belongs to China. Almost. Still, if you cross the ‹border› from China to Hong Kong, you leave China and … Continue reading

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China: Under Construction / Destruction

Hello friends Let’s start with my best wishes for the New Year to all of you!!! That almost all wishes and dreams come true! But some shouldn’t, unless you are able to create new ones immediately. Or what would life … Continue reading

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China: Fasten Seatbelt

Hello again Little more than 3 weeks I’m now in China, but it seems a lot more, as I’ve been to so many places already. So, the 16th of November we arrived in Datong. I planed to stay there a … Continue reading

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Hello all Sorry, I’m behind schedule with my story. I’m in China since 20 days and only now I’m coming up with Mongolia. Here we go: 1 month ago I crossed the border in the ‹Transmongolian Train›, which left Irkutsk … Continue reading

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